Select or drop your pdf file to merge
Drag & Drop to Upload File

Super Friendly to Use

Our Merge PDF tool helps you combine multiple files into a single document without facing any restrictions. The easy-to-understand interface makes it the best tool for merging PDF files.

Secure Tool

The PDF files you upload to this facility will never be shared or used for any reason. Your uploaded PDFs will be permanently erased from our servers within a few minutes.

Support All Devices

The web-based PDF merger works fine on all devices, including Mac, Android, and Computers. You can access this free utility from any device and merge PDFs swiftly.

No Installation

Unlike many PDF Merge tools, our free tool will never ask you to install our application or software for enjoying our free services. You can merge PDFs without any download or installation

No Signup

Don’t want to share your personal information? Our tool will not force you to register yourself to combine multiple PDFs in a single file. You don’t have to reveal your name or email to merge PDFs using our tool.

Merge PDF Easily

Simply drag and drop PDF files or upload them directly from your device or fetch it from cloud storage. Once your files are uploaded successfully, press the Merge PDF button to combine them into a single PDF.